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Fonts, Symbols, MyLines
Custom fonts $2.50

Add some panache to your checks with one of our custom fonts.

  • Standard Font Free
  • Artisan Font Option
  • Calligraphy Font Option
  • Contempo Font Option
  • Script Font Option
  • Windsor Font Option
Custom Fonts Preview
Script custom font. Shown on Brushed Floral check.

Symbols $2.50

Select a symbol to express your individuality. Your symbol will print in the upper left corner of your check, right before your name.

Airplane Symbol
Treble Clef with notes Symbol
Carpet Logo Symbol
Paint Brush Symbol
Camera Instamatic Symbol
Pizza Symbol
Place Setting Symbol
Dog Face w/Cat Symbol
Made in USA Symbol
Vise Symbol
Lawnmower Symbol
Chain Saw Symbol
Poodle Symbol
Two Fish Symbol
Hammer, Brush Symbol
Carpet Cleaner Symbol
Tow Truck Symbol
Four Star Service Symbol
Horse Head Symbol
Thank You Symbol
Smiley Face Symbol
Aquarius 1/20-2/18 Symbol
Cancer 5/21-7/22 Symbol
Gemini 5/21-6/20 Symbol
Libra 9/23-10/22 Symbol
Sagittarius 11/22-12/21 Symbol
Taurus 4/20-5/20 Symbol
Open Book Symbol
Golf Symbol
Football Player Symbol
Golfer Swinging-Female Symbol
Male Runner Symbol
Basketball Symbol
Baseball Glove, Bat, Ball Symbol
BaseballPlayrAtBat-Female Symbol
Soccer Figure w/Ball Symbol
Tennis-Swinging-Male Symbol
Hockey Sticks w/Puck Symbol
Figure Swimming Symbol
Gymnist-Male Symbol
Bullseye w/Arrows Symbol
Gymnist-Handstand Symbol
Downhill Snow Skier Symbol
Weightlifter Symbol
Cheerleader Symbol
Painter's Palette Symbol
Chess Pieces Symbol
Music Symbols Symbol
Basketball Player-Female Symbol
Proud Honor Student Parent Symbol
Theater Marks Symbol
Teaching with Pride Symbol
Proud Parent Symbol
Big Hat Symbol
Kangaroo Symbol
Cross Glowing Symbol
One Way Sign w/Cross Symbol
Smile God Loves You Symbol
A Cheerful Heart Symbol
This is the Day Symbol
Celtic Cross Symbol
Diamond Cut Cross Symbol
Bible w/Cross on Cover Symbol
Ichthus Symbol
Dove Symbol
Star of David Symbol
Masonic Symbol
Rotary Symbol
Lions Club Symbol
Knights of Columbus Symbol
We Need to Care Symbol
Protect the Wild w/Lion Symbol
Cat Silhouette from Back Symbol
Dog & Cat Symbol
Poodle Symbol
Dolphin Symbol
Stork Symbol
Fish Symbol
Horse Rearing Up Symbol
Smile w/Symbol Symbol
Butterfly Symbol
Fairy Symbol
Sailboat Symbol
Amish I Symbol
American Pride Symbol
Heart Symbol
Veterinary Medicine Symbol Symbol
Dentistry Symbol Symbol
Toothbrush Symbol
Veggie Pizza Cut Symbol
Pizza Chef Cut Symbol
Hair Dryer Comm Cut Symbol
Nail Polish Comm Cut Symbol
Tow Truck 2 Comm Cut Symbol
Tanker Truck Comm Cut Symbol
Semi 2 Comm Cut Symbol
Draft Table Comm Cut Symbol
Site Crew Comm Cut Symbol
Crane Comm Cut Symbol
Bread & Wine Symbol
Seafood Symbol
Chinese Take Out Symbol
Sushi Symbol
Taco Symbol
Baker's Delight Symbol
Veterinarian Symbol
Batteries Symbol
Letter B Symbol
Letter D Symbol
Letter F Symbol
Letter H Symbol
Letter J Symbol
Letter L Symbol
Letter N Symbol
Letter P Symbol
Letter R Symbol
Letter T Symbol
Letter V Symbol
Letter X Symbol
Letter Z Symbol
Handyman with box Symbol
Three Trees Symbol
Bicycle Symbol
Motorcycle Symbol
American Flag Symbol
Paint Roller and Brush Symbol
Auto Mechanic Symbol
Camera Professional Symbol
Tires Symbol
Dynamite Symbol
Sewing Machine Symbol
Tow Truck w/Hook Symbol
Diamond Symbol
Rx Mortar and Pestle Symbol
A Cut Above Symbol
Please Recycle Symbol
Number One Service Symbol
Star on Stripes Symbol
Recycle Logo Symbol
Fingernails Symbol
Telephone Symbol
Aries 3/21-4/19 Symbol
Capricorn 12/22-1/19 Symbol
Leo 7/23-8/22 Symbol
Pisces 2/19-3/20 Symbol
Scorpio 10/23-11/21 Symbol
Virgo 8/23-9/22 Symbol
Football Helmet Symbol
Football Symbol
Golfer Swinging-Male Symbol
Tennis Shoes w/Wings Symbol
Female Runner Symbol
Basketball Player-Male Symbol
BaseballPlayrAtBat-Male Symbol
Soccer Symbol
Tennis Rackets w/Ball Symbol
Tennis-Swinging-Female Symbol
Hockey Player Symbol
Swimmer Symbol
Gymnist-Female Symbol
Ballet Dancer Symbol
Martial Arts Symbol
Volleyball w/Net Symbol
Boxers Symbol
Gavel Symbol
Quill Pen with Book Symbol
Laptop Computer Symbol
Soccer-Head Butt Symbol
Soccer-Female Symbol
Lacrosse Player Symbol
Proud Grandparent Symbol
I Love Teaching Symbol
Amtryke Symbol
Kiwanis-Young Children-#1 Symbol
Open Bible Symbol
Praying Hands Symbol
World Needs Jesus Symbol
God is Love Symbol
I Love Jesus Symbol
Cross-on Podium Symbol
Crosses-Three on the HIll Symbol
Cross-Other Symbol
Bible w/Cross Bookmark Symbol
Ichthus w/Jesus written Symbol
Dove w/Olive Branch Symbol
Ichthus Figure w/Cross Symbol
Moose Symbol
Star Symbol
Kiwanis Symbol
Earth Matters Symbol
Please Recycle w/Symbol Symbol
Maple Leaf Symbol
Cat Symbol
Dog-Shepherd Symbol
Panda Symbol
Elephant Symbol
Duck Symbol
Horse Running Symbol
Fleur de Lis Symbol
Happy Face Symbol
Cherub Symbol
Gardening Symbol
Ribbon Symbol
Amish II Symbol
Boat Symbol
American Flag Symbol
Horse Doctor Symbol Symbol
Tooth Symbol
Pizza Slice Cut Symbol
Whole Pizza Cut Symbol
Profile Comm Cut Symbol
Scissors & Comb Comm Cut Symbol
Tow Truck 1 Comm Cut Symbol
Dump Truck Comm Cut Symbol
Semi 1 Comm Cut Symbol
Draft Tools Comm Cut Symbol
Carpenter Comm Cut Symbol
Girder Comm Cut Symbol
Church Symbol
Fresh from the Oven Symbol
Seafood Specialties Symbol
Ramen Symbol
Chopsticks Symbol
Spaghetti Symbol
Wine & Glass Symbol
Rose Symbol
Letter A Symbol
Letter C Symbol
Letter E Symbol
Letter G Symbol
Letter I Symbol
Letter K Symbol
Letter M Symbol
Letter O Symbol
Letter Q Symbol
Letter S Symbol
Letter U Symbol
Letter W Symbol
Letter Y Symbol

Symbols are not available on the following check designs: African Silhouettes, Angelic Blessings, Antique Photo ID, Arabesque, Art Lines, Blue Photo ID, Cheri Blum's Splendor, Divine Jewels, Halloween, Holiday Spirit, Irish Blessing, Kimono, Natural, Pay it with Plaid, Petroglyphs, Pretty Posies, Roosters, Securiguard Parchment, Sentiments, Textures, & Tis the Season.

Custom Symbols Preview
Big Hat symbol. Shown on Cowboy check.

Mylines message $2.50

Share your own personal mantra or inspiring message on your checks. Your MyLines message willl print above the signature line on your checks.

MyLines™ are printed to match the lettering style you choose for your checks. Artistic Checks reserves the right to not print certain messages. MyLines™ are not available on the following check designs: Betty BoopTM Vintage & Blessings

MyLines message
MyLines message. Shown on Antique Maps check.